Where were you born:

I was born in Krakow, Poland

Where do you live now:

Now I live in Warsaw, Poland

Where are your mother and father from and if you would like to a line or two about them, who they are what they did, or something simple about your family back ground:

My parents are also from Poland, They live in Krakow and teach logic and epistemology at the university. They met there, my mom used to be my dads student. They’re together for 25 years now.

A couple of things of which you have done or are doing now and your inspiration and reasons for doing them:

I draw, but its not for any particular reason, sometimes it just gives me pleasure.

What is beauty to you:

Beauty is nature, its how we get old with grace, with wrinkles, white hair, how our hands are fragile.

What do you find beautiful in others:

Usually its hands and eyes.

What little things do you buy just for you even though they may never be seen or known to others:

Food, gems and panties.

What little things do you do just for you even though they may never be seen or known to others:

I like to walk alone along the seashore, for hours.

What is one of the most important things for you in you life whether it’s something you have or are looking to achieve:

I'd like to have kids, preferably two.

Who represents a beautiful person for you at this moment and why:

I have a few, they all are beautiful for me because of the way they think about the world.

A moment in your life that had a big effect on who you are now:

It was my fiancés death 3 years ago.

Any other thoughts on health, mental health, age, beauty, life you would like to share:

Everything is much more simpler and nicer if you are now, in this second, but its easier said than done.



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