Where were you born. I was born in Köping, Sweden.

Where do you live now.

I live in my suitcase, everywhere and nowhere

Where are your mother and father from and if you would like to a line or two about them

My parents are both from Hungary. Both practiced karate and my dad is now a doctor and my mum is a system developer.

A couple of things of which you have done or are doing now and your inspiration and reasons for doing them,

I love singing, I sang when I was younger and I guess it’s my way of letting out emotions and processing them. Feels like the pain or joy comes out in a clearer way when it’s sung or accompanied by music. I’m aiming to do social work. Just don’t even know where to start and guess I’m scared to see it in reality and how it might affect me.

What is beauty to you.

Beauty to me is how you treat others. Beauty is kindness.

What do you find beautiful in others.
When someone is completely themselves. With little imperfections and goofy or whatever they might be. Just the acceptance of self

Any other thoughts on health, mental health, age, beauty, life you would like to share.

I struggled for a long time with depression and anxiety and I just want to say that It’s ok to feel like you’re not ok. And that it’s so important to talk to someone about it, may it be a friend, family member or a professional.
Just don’t let the bad thoughts make you believe you’re bad or life is bad.

What are your thoughts about ageing and beauty.

I believe with age we become more beautiful as we learn more with time. More experience and more roads walked leads us to greater knowledge and with this I believe we become more beautiful and aware. Hopefully.
Regarding outer beauty I just hope I will age with grace, ha. I’m a little scared to get old.

What gives you strength in life.

My mum, my friends, music

What causes are close to you heart.

I aim to always be there whenever someone might need help. I wish to be able to help young people depressed or struggling with self doubt.
I would like to find a way to help others believe in themselves.

What do you do to keep in shape physically and how often.

Pilates and gym. Everyday.

What do you do to keep in your mind in shape.

I read a lot. Write. Listen to podcasts.

What do you do to look after your skin.

Face wash, toner, moisturizer, at night I have a treatment oil and I go to facials.

What little things do you buy just for you even though they may never be seen or known to others .

Magnets & stickers . I collect magnets for when I have a home. And stickers on my suitcase in the meantime.