Where were you born:

Planet earth

Where do you live now:


Where are your mother and father from and if you would like to a line or two about them:

My dad is Armenian, he has strong beliefs about life and unfortunately only living and listening how he wants and to what he thinks. Conservative.

My mom is from Russia, She is very soft and kind, but because of a lack intimacy she is lost, so she is following my dad. They found each other, fell in love, and are lost together now.

A couple of things of which you have done or are doing now and your inspiration and reasons for doing them:

I have been in love with films since I was a child. The visual expression makes you understand everything without words. As a child I wasn’t understood by world, so instead of explaining, now I’m doing films, or music or art to express my thoughts, I feel and believe it’s easier.

What is beauty to you:


What do you find beautiful in others:


What are your thoughts about ageing and beauty:

beauty doesn’t age.

What gives you strength in life:

Childhood trauma, pain.

What gives you a sense of identity:

My vision, my dreams, my sense and taste of life.

What causes are close to you heart:

What do you do to keep in shape physically and how often:

Yoga, and I’m lazy. Trying to do every morning .

What do you do to keep in your mind in shape:

I create. 

What do you do to look after your skin:

Skincare, organic food, being vegan and trying to drink carrot juice.

What little things do you buy just for you even though they may never be seen or known to others:

Lingerie, jewellery.

What little things do you do just for you even though they may never be seen or known to others:

I talk to myself, I do small effortless sad animations.

What is one of the most important things for you in your life whether its something you have or are looking to achieve:

To make everybody feel pure and understand life, make people aware of the beauty. Give people my pain and vision.(Maybe it’s my ego screaming)