Where were you born

Newport Beach, California

Where do you live now

Between LA and NY (mostly LA because of the weather haha)

Where are your mother and father from and if you want to a line about them

My dad is from New York and my mom is from Huntington Beach California. They met in New York City a week after she moved there in her early twenties. They are still very much in love thirty years later. I really admire their relationship and hope to have something similar one day :)

A couple of things you have done previousely  or do now and the inspiration and reasons for doing them.

I studied sociology at UCLA and want to eventually go back to school and get my masters in psychology. Ive always had an interest for learning about human behavior and am excited to work more closely with people in the future, especially kids.

Causes close to you heart

Helping end human trafficking

What is beauty to you.

I think beauty is something that can be seen anywhere in nature: like a hundred year old tree, a quiet sunrise or colorful sunset. I think there’s also a lot of beauty in people’s natural state. Like a pregnant woman at the beach with her belly out or my dad when he is hysterically laughing.  

What do you find beautiful in others

People who are selfless, genuine, thoughtful and kind

Who represents a beautiful person for you at this moment and why

My mom because she all of these things (selfless, genuine, thoughtful, and kind) She’s a beauty inside and out, I admire the way she has naturally aged and think she is all the more beautiful because of it. I think the most beautiful people are when you can tell they are comfortable with themselves from within and it shines through their aura.

How do your thoughts about ageing and beauty

I think there is an extremely large magnifying glass on women aging today with an emphasis on how to avoid it. Every beauty product seems to scream “anti aging” which seems silly because that is ultimately an avoidable thing. I do have a skincare routine and wear my sunscreen everyday but I hope to make peace with the idea of aging and remind myself that it is a privilege. As a society we need to embrace it together! There is so much beauty in aging

What gives you strength in life

Reminding myself that it’s going to be ok, it could always be worse. Also my family and friends give me a lot of strength and mental/ emotional support

what gives you your sense of identity

I think where I’m from (California) and my family/ friends. Also my love for the beach, nature, living a “healthy” lifestyle and also how I treat others.

What do you do to keep in shape and how often.

I really love doing yoga, pilates and going on long walks with friends. Any type of low impact activity and doing it consistently. I use to play beach volleyball and want to get back into it

What do you do to keep your mind in shape

I like to play scrabble and read. Also starting new hobbies like sewing, guitar, or learning Spanish. Im not great at sticking to these things but its been fun trying something new

What do you do to look after your skin

Within the last two years I’ve become really invested into Korean skincare. I get monthly facials and have a nightly skincare routine with all Korean products. Also sunscreen and a healthy diet of course!

What little things do you buy just for you even though they may never be seen or known to others.

I travel a lot for work to different countries and each time I visit somewhere new I like to buy a mug and I now have a pretty cool collection for my morning cup of coffee

What little things do you do just for you even though they may never be seen or known to others.

I like to dance

What is one of the most important things for you in life whether its something you have or are looking to achieve

My family is the most important thing to me and I really look forward to starting my own one day

A moment in your life that had a big impact on who you are now

When my grandpa passed away it was the first time someone close to me died and really made me realize how valuable time is and how quickly it goes.

Any other thoughts on health, mental health, age, beauty, life you would like to share.

An idea that has helped me in life is the burnt toast theory which  implies that everything happens for a reason. We cannot control most things in life however we are about to control how we react and remember that it may be for the greater good.