Where were you born:

I was born in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, in a neighborhood named the hill.

Could you tell me a little about your parents:

My mother and father are both from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I love them both and the connection we share!

A couple of things of which you have done or are doing now:

I have been looking into real estate lately and I love it, the excitement of the industry keeps me going. I also am very into fashion as I design clothing.

What little things do you do just for you

The little things I do just for me is I practice meditation, I tend to connect with my inner self when I’m alone

What is beauty to you.

Beauty to me is the art of life itself. In my eyes everyone is beautiful in their own way through the beauty of life.

What do you find beautiful in others.

I find soul connections beautiful within others

What are your thoughts about ageing and beauty.

My thoughts on aging and beauty right now is to just be free within yourself. That’s beautiful.
What gives you strength in life.

God gives me strength in life. I wouldn’t be the person I am without him.

What gives you a sense of identity.

The security within myself gives me sense of identity, I know who I am fully, what I like and what I don’t like.

What causes are close to you heart.

Causes close to my heart is energy, I am very big on energy and astrology. I love being around certain energies that keep my heart at ease.

What do you do to keep in shape physically and how often.

To keep in shape, as I travel I walk a lot and eat as healthy as I want and not so healthy on days I don’t want to. I keep my mind in shape as my body follows

What do you do to keep in your mind in shape.

To keep my mind in shape I connect and talk to God as much as possible as my mind can wonder and worry.

What do you do to look after your skin.

To look after my skin, I try to keep a clean routine. Adding toner and moisturizer and most importantly sun screen!

What little things do you buy just for you even though they may never be seen or known to others

Little things I buy myself that others may not notice or they may lol I have a thing for coffee & candles. I keep my coffee everyday and always have stock of my candles in my home

What little things do you do just
for you even though they may never be seen or known to others.

The little things I do just for me is I practice meditation, I tend to connect with my inner self when I’m alone.

What is one of the most important things for you in you life weather its something you have or are looking to achieve.

Who represents a beautiful person for you at this moment and why

A beautiful person to me at this moment in my life is a caring, soft, and understanding person a genuine soul is the most beautiful thing a person can have.

A moment in your life that had a big effect on who you are now

A moment in my life that has a big impact on where I am now is me moving to NY all alone at the age of 17. Moving to such a big city with no clue where to go has molded me into the strong woman I am today.

Any other thoughts on health, mental health, age, beauty, life you would like to share.

Always love yourself and that beauty will shine through self love! Never put anyone before your happiness and always believe in what you believe in! Everyone is beautiful in their own way!